Hall Booking


Hall Hire Rates...

For current hire rates, please download the relevant hire agreement below. Any hire period must include the time required to set up and tidy away afterwards. The premises MUST be clear and locked by midnight.
NB 6 hour minimum whole hall hire for non-residents.


For most events we require an Event Bond to be lodged with us in advance. Please see our Terms and Conditions of Hire for full details.

For bookings enquiries, please contact our Bookings Clerk on bookings@hawsteadvillagehall.co.uk

Hall Availability...

BOOKINGS  GREEN = Whole Hall, brown = Main Hall, RED = Meeting Room

Hall Hire Agreements...

Resident of Hawstead?

Not a Resident of Hawstead?

Commercial Organisation?

Weekend Hire, e.g. Weddings?

Click button below to download our Terms and Conditions of Hire

Booking Procedure...

Please follow the steps below to complete our booking process.

1. Check availability of the main hall or meeting room by browsing the calendar. (Note that some of our regular events will make way for private hires, so please email if you are uncertain.)

2. Read and agree to our ‘Terms and Conditions of Hire’.

3. Download, print out and read the relevant ‘Hire Agreement’ form. 

4. Please ensure you accept our hire rates before contacting our Bookings Clerk by email at bookings@hawsteadvillagehall.co.uk to arrange a meeting and/or viewing.

5. Transfer the deposit by BACS.

Note that your booking is not secure until agreed by the Bookings Clerk and Treasurer.

“We had a fantastic day. 

The weather was glorious and the children loved the open space and the swings, so parents were able to enjoy each others company with half an eye on their kiddies. 

Many sat outside both at the outdoor tables and on rugs on the ground. We all fell in love with the hall”

For bookings enquiries 

Please contact our Bookings Clerk on bookings@hawsteadvillagehall.co.uk